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Just a girl who loves beahes and dolphins shirt

“Thoughts and prayers” is a cop out. If the people saying that really cared, they’d be trying to actually change policy, advocate for better mental healthcare, change educational policy, and do ANYTHING to help the situation. Hell, make a damn casserole for the victims’ families is better than “thoughts and prayers”, because that is actual ACTION and HELP.I'm sure there's a decent amount of religious bashing but that would be against all religions. The idea that a religion basher would be exclusivly okay with Muslim 'thoughts and prayers' is stupid to the point that I'm convinced you're trolling. Rather than your absolutely nonsensical explanation an actualreason for many people is that "sending thoughts and prayers" is seen as an excuse to avoid doing anything about this kind of gun violence. “Proof of age (18+ for long arms, 21+ for pistols) and proof of citizenship (or permanent residence license) are required for the purchase of "assault weapons".

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